Monday, May 10, 2010

New Webcams in a Market

New Webcams in a Market

Genius the leading brand name in IT peripherals industry along with GCT, regional partner and distribution outfit, offer new line up of webcams for its market. eFace category web cameras are famous for its high end features and superior quality output.

There is a growing demand of webcams due to the rapid development and increase in the broadband internet connections. Genius understands the potential of this product category and taking effective steps to tap the market.

"Genius is looking forward to achieve considerable market share in webcam segment as the external cameras are expected to have the biggest market share in the IT peripherals across the world in 2010,"

Friday, March 5, 2010

Computer glasses | Micro Computer | Nano Computer

Computer glasses

A lot of sciences magazines, movies have showed our near future with people wearing intelligent glasses, with a nano-computer inside and a screen display on right glass as in below.

There are a lot of wise geek in this site but i won't be precise.I think that the best in intelligent glasses isn't to have a mobile computer with a little screen perpetually shinning in front you eyes.
I think there is something that isn't technologically so far from today and that could revolutionize our interactions with informations in the world : ZOOM.
Just imagine if you could zoom in just by frowning, on anything around you. You see a roadsign in the street but i'ts too far from you, you can't read it, so you zoom in. You are having a trip in the country, you see an eagle far in the sky, but you'r not sure it's one, zooming in answer to your speculations.
But sure it could be dangerous and perverse...